Psionic the Hedgehog - Part VI By Shariq Ansari aka DarkeSword Comments? Email me at * * * * * "It seems as though the Sentry has met with the Guardian." "Yes." "You must choose a Keeper soon, so that your Proctorhood will be complete." "Do not rush me. I still need to find a proper candidate." "What about the vixen? Were you not considering her?" "She is too young." "She is intelligent." "She is still too young." "Do you forget Prower? He is as young as her." "Prower is of no concern to me. He lives on another world." "I still think that the girl will make a fine Keeper." "I did not ask you." "Since when do I need to be asked to voice my opinion?" "I will take your opinion into consideration. Now go away." "I knew you would listen to me." * * * * * Psionic was getting impatient. "We need to figure out a way to get off this island, Tales." The blue hedgehog quickly glanced over to Knives the Echidna, who was making lemonade. "No offense, Knives." Knives shrugged. "None taken." Psionic the Hedgehog, Claire "Tales" Voyant, and Knives the Echidna were sitting in Knives' tree hut, resting after trying to salvage anything that they could from the mangled Tornado II. It had been a tough job, trying to find anything that they could use, and all they had come up with was a broken-but-fixable radio, the CED, and Tales' stuff. Once they decided that there was nothing left to salvage, they hitched some strong vines to the wreckage and dragged the remains of Espio's biplane over to one of the utility sheds Knives had set up throughout the island. Once they finished that, they made their way back to Knives' tree hut to relax. Tales looked up from the broken radio she was trying to fix. "Maybe we can call someone...if I can get this stupid radio fixed!" She leaned back over the radio and pushed her slipping glasses back up her nose with her index finger, muttering to herself about "transmitter-frequencies" and "signal-decoders." Knives smiled and put a glass of lemonade down on the table in front of Tales. "Maybe you should talk to Angel. She could probably uh...tell you how to get home." Psionic's eyes flashed purple and his blue spines bristled with excitement. "That's a great idea! Angel would know what to do. After all, she's a Chaos Emerald!" "I got it!" Tales' yell startle both Psionic and Knives, the latter spilling his lemonade. "The radio works! We can call someone! Looks like we won't have to visit that Chaos Emerald after all!" Tales beamed, as Psionic and Knives gave her nervous smiles. Tales started fiddling with the dials on the radio. Psionic looked down at Knives, who was cleaning up his spilled lemonade. "Hey Psionic. Is she always this excitable?" Psionic laughed. "You'd be surprised. She's pretty calm right now." Tales finally found a signal that seemed to be clear. "Ah, there we go. Let's see if anyone is out there, shall we?" She giggled and picked up the microphone. "This is Sky-Vixen, calling any available aircraft, repeat, Sky- Vixen to any available aircraft." Psionic recognized the callsign Tales used when she was communicating with other planes. He also recognized the voice that responded to Tales' call. "This is Rose-Thorn. I read you loud and clear, Sky-Vixen." Tales' face lit up while Psionic felt his face turn red. "Ellie Rose!" Knives was putting the glasses in the sink, the blades hanging on his wrist tapping against the wooden counter. "Who is Ellie Rose?" Psionic coughed. "She's uh...a friend of ours. A cargo pilot. She flies shipments of chocolate from South Island to other the other islands." Tales looked up from the radio with an evil grin on her face. "She's also Psionic's girlfriend." Psionic's eyes flashed a bright violet and his quills bristled up. "She's not my girlfriend! She's just a...friend." Psionic could faintly feel Ellie's presence through the psycho-chaos field now. He could almost see her; her cute pink quills, her warm smile, her musical laugh, and best of all, those deep blue eyes, deeper than the color of his own quills, the eyes that he didn't dare try to read, lest he lose himself in them forever. Knives' hearty laughter broke Psionic from his reverie, his hanging blades jingling against eachother. "I get it! You have a crush on her, don't you?" Psionic gave the fierce echidna an icy stare. "You know, for a guy who lives alone, you sure know a lot about people." Knives gave Psionic a big, toothy grin and shrugged. The female voice spoke again through the static, and Tales twisted some dials to fix the signal. "Tales? Is that really you? How are you?" Tales laughed. "We're in some trouble, actually." Ellie's voice laughed the musical laugh that Psionic loved so much. "We? Let me guess, Psionic's there with you? Hi Psi!" Psionic felt himself go as red as Knives, who was trying hard not to laugh. "Uh...Hi Ellie!" Tales giggled silently at her hedgehog companion and turned her attention back to the radio. "Anyway, you're never gonna believe what happened to us, Ellie." Ellie laughed again. "Listen Tales, if Psionic's involved, I'll believe anything." Psionic scratched the back of his head, smiled sheepishly, and felt himself go red once again.